The documentary series, a co-production of TV3, ETB, and Shine Iberia, has been chosen as the winner of the ninth edition of the Pello Sarasola Award, convened by the Federation of Autonomous Radio and Television Organizations or Entities (Forta) to honor the best programs developed by regional public television channels.
Released in recent months with great impact on TV3, ETB, Telemadrid, Televisión Canaria, Televisión de Galicia, and À Punt, ‘Generación Porno’ is also currently available on Amazon Prime Video.
‘Generación Porno’, which reflects on the sexual education of adolescents in our country and its relationship with pornography consumption, has become a key element within the working groups set up by regional parliaments and the central government to address this serious social issue.
March 7, 2023.
The ninth edition of the Pello Sarasola Award, organized by the Federation of Autonomous Radio and Television Organizations (FORTA), has awarded the highest recognition to ‘Generación Porno’, highlighting it as the best program among the regional public audiovisual services.
This prestigious award, whose jury is made up of prominent professionals from the channels integrated into FORTA, has been presented in Seville, as part of the training sessions of the Content Commission of FORTA where the main challenges of regional channels regarding formats and audiovisual consumption trends will be discussed.
Among the main objectives of this award is to reward the values that guide regional television channels, such as proximity, identity, and the notoriety of the territories where each of the participating regional channels is implemented.
With this award, homage is paid to the memory of Pello Sarasola, who passed away in 2015 and was a driving force behind the collaboration between the different regional television channels. Sarasola was a professional who held key positions in Basque radio and television, among others.
The documentary series ‘Generación Porno’, co-produced by TV3, ETB, and Shine Iberia (Banijay Company), which explores the sexual education of adolescents in Spain and its relationship with the consumption of pornographic content, was released in recent months with great impact on TV3, ETB, Telemadrid, Televisión Canaria, Televisión de Galicia, and À Punt. It is also available on demand on Amazon Prime Video.
About Generación Porno: The world through the screen
The documentary series ‘Generación Porno’ introduces us to the lives of four families located in Catalonia, the Basque Country, and Madrid, where parents and adolescent children live together. In each episode, a premise is addressed that highlights the complexities and deficiencies present in the sexual education of young people. From awkward moments to comedic situations, such as the joint exploration of online content without any parental filters, the series invites us to reflect on our relationship with the world of pornography in the digital age.
Through the various installments, ‘Generación Porno’ poses incisive questions about the adult entertainment industry: Why is it unregulated? Why is it so accessible and free? How is reality distinguished from fiction in this context? In addition, the featured families engage in dialogue with adult film actors, participate in prevention workshops, and meet with people affected by sexual addictions or sexually transmitted diseases, as well as cybersecurity experts and law enforcement representatives. These experiences immerse parents and children in an immersive journey that explores the complexities of sexual education today.
‘Generación Porno’ also shows us how adolescents openly address the topic of sex and pornography in the presence of their parents, breaking taboos with surprising sincerity. Additionally, the documentary gives voice to professionals in the pornography and sexual education fields, offering revealing data about the industry and promoting enriching debates on these topics so relevant in our contemporary society.
The hypersexualization of young people’s leisure, the decisive influence of content creators on social media, the direct relationship between this “new pornography-linked sexual education” and the growing number of sexual assaults by adolescents, the need for regulated sexual education in educational institutions, or the gap in access control to pornography for minors, are just a few of them.
The new generations and the consumption of pornography
The average age at which children in our country first encounter pornography is 8 years old, and in many cases, pornography subsequently becomes their main resource for sexual education. Additionally, several studies reveal how the sexual expectations of many young people are influenced by their relationship with pornography, something that distances their sexual behaviors from those of other generations. To shed light and try to respond to this national issue, ‘Generación Porno’ arrives, a revealing documentary series that in its 60-minute episodes shows without filters and in the first person the current relationship between the adolescents of our country and sex.
‘Generación Porno’ is a portrait, in a rigorous but relaxed tone, of an obvious and worrying reality: the pornography industry is shaping the sexual lives of the new generations. The documentary series aims to educate, entertain, and above all make viewers reflect on the type of sexual education our adolescents are receiving in a new context where it is no longer necessary to specifically seek out pornography to find it. The documentary series seeks to initiate a necessary social debate, essential to provoke a reaction from institutions and organizations and change the current situation.
Social transformation, working groups in regional parliaments and in Congress.
The documentary ‘Generación Porno’ aims primarily to raise awareness about the impact of pornography on the lives of adolescents and to propose effective solutions to address this issue. It emphasizes the need for concrete measures, such as legislating sexual education as its own subject and regulating internet access, to improve existing laws in this area.
‘Generación Porno’ has managed to open a debate in the main Spanish media and with special programming of the format on regional television stations.
In response to this concern, the Andalusian parliament, the Basque Government, and the Parliament of Catalonia have taken measures, convening experts and institutions, and establishing working groups to address pornography consumption among minors and strengthen sexual education.
Additionally, on Sunday, January 14, the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, announced that the government will approve a law to protect minors from pornographic content on the Internet. From the Central Government, the President seeks to reach a “national agreement” to protect minors on the Internet. For this purpose, the producers of the documentary series: Shine Iberia, TV3, and ETB have decisively participated in the formation of a working group in congress. The initiative will focus on three main axes: the approval of a comprehensive law for the protection of minors on the Internet, a multidisciplinary strategy from the field of education and digital skills, as well as the creation of devices that limit access to pornographic content for minors. “The data is alarming. One in four young people under the age of 12 has had or has access to and consumes pornography. Almost half of young people under the age of 15 consume it,” said Sánchez
The MasterChef Restaurant joins ‘The Restaurant Restaurant Week’
1 euro of each menu will go to solidarity projects of the NGO Ayuda en Acción
‘MasterChef Celebrity 3’, un viaje gastronómico que llega cargado de cocina, competición, risas y diversión
Antonia Dell’Atte, Boris Izaguirre, Paz Vega, Mario Vaquerizo, Carmen Lomana, Santiago Segura, María Castro, Óscar Higares, Dafne Fernández, Iván Massagué, Ona Carbonell, Xuso Jones, Paula Prendes y Jaime Nava están a punto de embarcarse en el viaje de sus vidas: la tercera edición de ‘MasterChef Celebrity’.
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