The show ‘DeSafío 2016’ arrived on Spanish television as a prelude to the Rio 2016 Olympics, broadcasted by RTVE. Over six episodes, former gymnast Almudena Cid and former Formula 1 driver Jaime Alguersuari will propose challenges to 14 contestants.
The show ‘DeSafío 2016’ arrived on Spanish television as a prelude to the Rio 2016 Olympics, broadcasted by RTVE. Over six episodes, former gymnast Almudena Cid and former Formula 1 driver Jaime Alguersuari will propose challenges to 14 contestants.
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Shine Iberia
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The ‘DeSafío 2016’ program came to Spanish television as a preamble to the Olympic Games. of Rio 2016, broadcast by RTVE. During six episodes, the former gymnast Almudena Cid and the former Formula 1 driver Jaime Alguersuari will propose to 14 contestants, between 18 and 23 years old, different and complicated challenges that they will face in pairs and in which they will have to use all five senses to do see that they are the best in orientation, aim, strength, balance and endurance. The winning couple will be able to make a dream related to sports come true.