• Monday from 23:00h, with Guillermo Fesser as moderator

The singer Rozalén and the renowned chef Dabiz Muñoz will sit in the corrillo of ‘100% Únicos’ to show their more unknown side, submit to the questions and share the concerns of the 30 reporters of the programme, which Cuatro will offer every Monday from 17 June (23:00h) with Guillermo Fesser as moderator of the talks.

Music and emotion will be the keys to the interview with Rozalén, an intimate chat in which the stories behind the songs that have accompanied the reporters throughout their lives will come to light. The artist from Albacete, who will sing for them her song ‘Lo tengo claro’, will explain how music is not only her livelihood but also therapy, just as it is for most of the reporters, who write, sing and play instruments and who find in music a way to connect with the world.

For his part, Dabiz Muñoz will show off his simplicity and closeness by confessing to the reporters that, despite being considered the best chef in the world, he considers himself just another chef. During the talk, the personality of ‘El guindilla’, the nickname that accompanied him in his childhood and youth, when his professional career was on the football pitch and not in front of the cooker, will come to light. The ‘100% Únicos’ reporters will share his recipes with him, ask him about the keys to his success and delve into his more personal side, as a husband and father.

The original proposal of ‘100% Únicos’

Producido en colaboración con Shine Iberia (Banijay Iberia) y basado en el exitoso formato francés ‘Les Rencontres du Papotin’, ‘100% Únicos’ sienta en cada edición a dos celebridades junto a un grupo de 30 personas con diferentes Trastornos del Espectro Autista (TEA), cuya especial manera de relacionarse con el mundo y plantear sus cuestiones da lugar a momentos imprevisibles, emocionantes, brillantes, emotivos, divertidos y llenos de sinceridad. A lo largo de la charla, en la que las reacciones de reporteros y entrevistados tienen gran protagonismo, las preguntas van encaminadas a conocer en profundidad al invitado y a abordar temas que revelen su faceta más humana, pero también sacan a relucir las preocupaciones, motivaciones y las increíbles historias de superación de los reporteros. Además de captar el interés del espectador, el objetivo de ‘100% Únicos’ es visibilizar la realidad de las personas TEA y cómo esta condición afecta a su día a día y al de su entorno, para lo cual cuenta con la colaboración de Autismo España y el asesoramiento de personal de apoyo de distintas asociaciones.

Produced in collaboration with Shine Iberia (Banijay Iberia) and based on the successful French format ‘Les Rencontres du Papotin’, each edition of ‘100% Únicos’ brings together two celebrities with a group of 30 people with different Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), whose special way of relating to the world and raising their questions gives rise to unpredictable, exciting, brilliant, emotional, funny and full of sincerity moments. Throughout the talk, in which the reactions of the reporters and interviewees take centre stage, the questions are aimed at getting to know the guest in depth and addressing issues that reveal their most human side, but they also bring to light the concerns, motivations and incredible stories of overcoming of the reporters.

In addition to capturing the viewer’s interest, the aim of ‘100% Únicos’ is to make visible the reality of people with ASD and how this condition affects their daily life and that of their environment, for which it counts on the collaboration of Autism Spain and the advice of support staff from different associations.